Wednesday 8 August 2012

Diet Solution Program And Fitness Review

Golden Rules of Fitness diet
What's going on - I'll never know. Whenever the end of the day I feel squeezed like a lemon, and effort is only to have the house to collapse on the sofa. First I went to the doctors. Passed a bunch of tests, and all to no. It turned out that all the parameters I am healthy, and his fortune as a sort of pretend. I went to the doctors more. Came to acupuncture and imaging of the brain. And all to no avail. But my problem in the end - all decided dietitian from my own fitness club. It turns out I was only fed properly! Not in compliance with three golden rules of fitness diet.

Typically a fitness diet: dinner give to the enemy
With whom did not happen: in the morning is not like, such a blockage day at work. What to get to the dining room well, not, after work - a gym. And this is a recipe for overeating: When we finally get home, stop yourself at the table is not possible. Yes, we have such a tradition - the bulk of daily calories get in the evening. Just because its daily rate we consume does not gradually, as it were, a large portion, to 40 years, we become a more widely across. In science, this diet gradually upsets the hormonal secretion. And finally the fourth ten resets it to the side of hormones that promote fat storage. I still have far to forty, but by such a regime, I had already suffered. Enumerate the symptoms are certainly familiar to you. Here's the first: mood swings. It turns out, the mood is directly dependent on muscle tone. A tone - on the level of blood sugar. Immediately after eating, he takes off, and then decreases slowly and after 3-4 hours is minimal. Accordingly, the mood is deteriorating. Suddenly everything starts to get annoying. If you do not eat, then it will be worse. And you can not sleep on the job. We'll have to deal with them. A disadvantage of this new unnerving. Second, the club come completely broken. You look at simulators dull eye and think, well, why am I this torture? Third: the brutal attacks of craving for sweets. Do remember, if there is a long time, then it is not pulling a utility buckwheat, and the sweet-fat cake. Drools knees stuffed sweet ... and then feel sorry for myself - how could I? In fact, there should be frequent, but little by little. Such a diet program reduces the secretion of hormones that stores fat for future use, to the very minimum. In addition, blood sugar levels are not jumping, the mood is smooth and quiet. And often that means? Every 2.5 - 3 hours. If you can not do it, at least one third of calories (ideally - half) Eat BEFORE sit down to supper. More specifically, in the first eight hours after awakening .

Usually two fitness diet: feed your muscles protein
After talking with experts, I realized my mistake: the protein-I ate, but not in the quantities and at that time. about 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. If you do not follow this rule, the muscles do not become one. To grow, they need feeding. But that's not all. You can eat pounds of protein, but it will not go in your favor, if the muscles do not receive the "building material" in time. Determine the "Hour X" is simple. So, if you are in the morning, eat at least half the daily amount of protein in the evening. If you exercise during the day, at least half of the protein must be received in the morning. If you go to the gym in the evenings, you will need to obtain proteins and during dinner, and immediately after exercise. If you do not follow this rule, the worst will happen: Your body starts to eat itself. Yes, it's true! The minimum protein that you get from food will go to the emergency repair tired muscles. But the protein is still needed blood, hormonal system, your hair, nails, skin! We need to, no matter what cost! And then the body begins to break down the protein interior fabrics. the first to go under the knife of the muscle. As a thing which, by the utility for life is the last in the series. Muscles decrease, shrink and lose strength. But protein is still lacking. The hair becomes brittle, dull nails - crumble, the skin loses its elasticity, and pale. Dramatically reduced the secretion of hormones - because "doing" them from nothing. Decreases libido, headache, pressure jumps ... Some say that early to do fitness and feel bad. It's true! Protein, then you are missing! I will be contradicted, "Protein - meat, fish, chicken. To make this, you must hang around all day in the kitchen! "Did you buy the powdered protein. Dilute with water or skim milk all the daily rate of protein and take a drink on the job. And drink strictly by the hour. No hassle! And you can buy protein in the manner of chocolate tiles. Throw in the bag 3.4 stuff, and you are provided with the protein for the day more info diet solution program!

Three fitness diet rule: do not let yourself wither
Unbelievable but true: even the most insignificant loss of body water (at least 2% of body weight!) A catastrophic impact on our health. And you know why? Our body is like a nuclear reactor works on the water! No water, no chemical reaction, no energy. Here is the formula of life! Not drinking? Then the growth of athletic performance has nothing to expect. However, this trouble just to help. Wherever you go, even at work, at least in the movies, even though the boutiques, take a bottle of water. I do not like empty drink water? Then give it the taste by adding lime or lemon juice, and even with the help of herbal tea bags. sure you have enough water you drink, you can enter. Step on the scale before and after exercise, and then compare both values. If "after training" weight will be very different from your usual (more than 500 g), then with a drink problem. It seems that the daily rate of 3 - 3.5 liters you do not do. (By the way, to make up for losses, should once drink of water at exactly twice as much). But that's not all. During exercise you lose not only the liquid, but also carbohydrates. So take it a rule not to quench their thirst with water, sports drink carbohydrate - in fact, if you exercise intensely and for longer hours. (Carbohydrate, mineral and not!). If you drink thirty minutes after the start of classes, it will replenish stockpiles of glucose and can help you with the honor to hold out until the end of the workout. And on the way home from the club, eat some fruit: more carbohydrate serving is very handy. (The best option - the big apple!)

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